Expert Interviews: an Advantage in the Information Age
A key to making good decisions is having the right information available.
How do you make the most-informed decision?
Good research, design, investments, and business decisions are predicated on an accurate understanding of a situation.
Today, we make business decisions or conduct research based on endless sources of information: online reports and briefs, data sets, studies, and more. There is truly a greater breadth and variety of information available at our fingertips than ever before. The Internet, with its vast array of sources informing equally countless topics at near-instant speed, is certainly a potent tool for gathering information.
However, speaking with an expert advisor is an incomparable resource for learning valuable insights — connecting with the right person is often the most laser-focused way to get the information you need.
The challenges of dissecting information
While collecting information is easy, it can be difficult to interpret and make conclusions from mountains of data and information — what’s actually the most important and noteworthy thing to focus your attention on?
Online sources may present data of dubious reliability and accuracy, even when it’s gathered from official or otherwise respectable sources. What’s more, it is often difficult to reconcile widely divergent information, which may even appear contradictory.
That’s why it’s essential to start on the right footing in setting up a proper foundation of focusing on the “right” things, so you can make the most-informed decisions on your most important projects from this base.
The role of expert advisors
Expert advice allows for direct, primary research — and thus access to some of the best available knowledge on a topic.
By taking topics that they are already familiar with from their work experiences in a particular field, experts can turn that information into unique insights by sharing and connecting it with others.
Industry professionals also know best how to process information in their field and point to what is most important. For example, they can identify trends, contrast a current market landscape with different historical or geographic contexts, or easily explain particular nuances of their own industry.
At DeepBench, we are experts at finding experts. We help mediate access to potential advisors in thousands of industries from around the world with businesses that can learn from them. Connect with an expert advisor for your next major business decision, and discover deeper insights and knowledge on any topic you need.